Sunday, October 9, 2011

I got a JOB!!!

Well, after nearly 7 months of applying for every administrative job on this base, I finally got the email(yea, no calls nowadays...just emails!) I was notified I had 3 days to accept or decline. The shock came when I found out that the commander I'd be working for would be none other than John's commander! This seemed to make the decision even harder and made me so much more nervous! I mean, what if I sucked horribly and they hated me? Would it affect poor John too? I was a nervous wreck. BUT, long story short, I took the job and what a challenge it has been I tell ya! Truth be told, it's more work and responsibility than I've ever had in the job spectrum but I for the most part like it! It's been almost 6 months now and I just got my first Squadron award almost 2 weeks ago but on Friday found out that that selection won a group level award as well and now I'll be up for a wing award(that kind of terrifies me!) LOL...sometimes I like to fly under the radar you know. But this was the picture that I had to go get for the awards package...kind of makes me look all "official" and everything! HAHA


Kelly said...

Yay girl!!! Congrats on the awards! And I'm excited to see that you are going to try to keep up with the blog again!