Friday, April 24, 2009

Relay for Life

John's work has organized a team for this years Relay for Life campaign. We will be participating on the walk on June 26th and would love to have your support. I know that this year has been hard financially on many people but all we're asking is a small donation of $5 or $10. It all adds up. If you'd like to donate more, of course we welcome it. :) Cancer has affected many of us in one way or another. With your support, maybe one day we can find a way to cure all forms so that no more lives have to be lost from this disease. Our website is Thanks for your consideration.
Love, John and Heather

Thursday, April 16, 2009

More for the Arnold house to handle...

The biggest news of the last couple of weeks is that John has jumped right on into his masters degree program at Chapman University here on McChord. So to add to our ever busy and crazy schedules, he now has class on Wednesday and Friday nights from 5-10pm. YIKES!!! He's in his second week now and is so far holding up well.

Ashley started two new sports this month. First was ballet. She really seems to love it so far. She loves getting all dressed up in her ballet outfit. Then on Tuesday, she finally got to start t-ball. She had a great time playing with John and the other kids. It's a parent/child program so she'll get to spend a couple of evenings a week with her dad on the field. She likes that idea a lot.

Looks like two different girls doesn't it???

We had a pretty laid back Easter this year. The girls both liked the bunny this year, probably because of all of the candy he left them. But we were happy to not see them tremble in fear everytime he came by our table this year at the club.

We also had a freak hail storm two days ago. It was so weird and out of nowhere so I had to snap a couple of pictures. :)

Looks like snow huh?

Nothing else to report for now, so until next time...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ashley's 1st Haircut and some fun in the SUN!

Well, I know it's probably long overdue but Ashley finally "wanted" to get her hair cut. Last weekend, out of nowhere she asked if she could. I told her that we'd give it a week and if she still wanted to cut it we would go get it done. Well, all throughout the week that's what she wanted. Yesterday, John and I took the girls out for the day and our first stop was to Kids Kuts. We walk in and Ashley quickly realizes what kind of work is done there. You can see the mood change instantly. She went from happy to lucky to petrified in an instant. I asked her if she was ready to get her hair done and she said "NO, not today!"Luckily, her stylist was great and between her and myself we managed to get her to the chair. :) She was terrified about the whole process all the way through getting her hair washed until she was asked what flavor shampoo she wanted. After that simple question was asked, again her mood changed completely. Now she was interested and happy about this thing we call getting our hair done. In the end, she did amazingly well and looks beautiful. I do miss her long locks but this new short do is going to save us so many headaches and battles with the brush and she does look adorable if I do say so myself. Afterwards, we had a nice lunch at one of our favorite restaurants and then headed off to the zoo. Did I mention that the weather is in the 70's today and yesterday? Oh, it feels like heaven! We had a great day out. Enjoy the pictures.