Sunday, January 10, 2010

Det Christmas Party 2009

We had a nice time at the Det Christmas party this year. It's always nice just to get a night out, spend some time with other adults and have a nice meal. Highlights of the party for us included winning a gift card in the raffles, Woo Hoo! A huge surprise to Heather was that she was awarded with a Spouse of the Year award. It was really sweet to be recognized. :)

Our effort to avoid the photo studio this year...

Getting Ready for Christmas!

We sure love Christmas time around here. These are some pics of us decorating the tree and making holiday goodies. :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wow, am I ever behind on updating this blog. Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving. We stayed home and had John's dad and step mom along with his youngest brother, Randy, up for the afternoon. I spent hours in the kitchen cooking and baking away. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food and the family visit went well too.